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Ekonomik Programların Değerlendirmesi Ekonomik Göstergelerle mi Yapılır?

Kovid-19 pandemisi ile birlikte başlayan süreçte, dünyadaki çoklu kriz ortamı daha net görünür hale geldi.  Gıda krizi, savaş ve iklim değişikliğiyle karşı karşıya kalınırken, tüm dünyada uzun yıllar sonra ilk defa yoksulluk artışa geçti ve gelir eşitsizliği hissedilir bir şekilde kötüleşti.  Gelir dağılımındaki bozulma ve artan yoksulluk ile ülkelerin içinde hayat kalitesinde farklılık, gıda, eğitim […]

My ‘Biased’​ Hearing From Globalization 4.0

This article was first posted in Linkedin Posts on February 1st, 2019 There were over 180 sessions in WEF’s Globalization 4.0 themed Davos meetings this year. I listened to 15-16 of them on-line and tried to understand the common emerging themes around globalization, EMs, SMEs, and sustainable development. Most of the sessions were fulfilling […]

Turkey G20 Presidency at a Year of Sustainable Development

Turkey G20 Presidency at a ‘Year of Sustainable Development[1]’ Turkey is leading the G20 presidency during 2015.  As any other Presidency, Turkey has a focus and its list of priorities with which it wants to lead its term of Presidency. Its focus is ‘inclusive and robust growth’ while formulation standpoints are summarized as 3 I’s: […]